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Establish Purpose

    In the knowledge economy era of the 21st century, the development of new technology and the rapid development and changes in politics, economy, and trade have made traditional judicial science unable to respond to modern social transactions which are complicated and diverse. Economic and financial law provides important legal regulations for economic development and thus is closely related to the rights and benefits of enterprises and people. Professional knowledge about such economic and financial law issues as intellectual property right, technology law, WTO, and tax litigations has become more important. These issues are more complicated than traditional judicial science and can not be covered by traditional judicial science. Neither can they be solved by traditional judicial science. In response to these emerging economic and financial law fields, experts specialized in economic and financial law are needed to conduct research and to solve all the difficult problems we face today. In addition, the establishment of the Department of Economic and Financial Law and the Graduate Institute of Economic and Financial Law responds to the increasing demands for economic and financial law experts by industries and businesses. The government has loosened its policy on investments in China by Taiwanese businesses, and the cross-strait trade has grown. Therefore, industries and businesses have increased their demands for experts specialized in investment in China and business law.

    In view of the thriving development of domestic and foreign economy and technology and in response to the increasing needs for domestic and foreign experts in economic and financial and technology law, the government has placed emphasis on the cultivation of excellent experts in economic and financial and technology law. Business groups have also established their law department or expanded their existing one, and recruited more experts in economic and financial law and given them more authorities and responsibilities. So to educate more excellent professionals in economic and financial and technology law in larger numbers is really needed by the government of Taiwan and business operation. It is also the only way to protect rights and benefits and elevate their competitiveness.
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